日期:2023-03-06 09:06:16人气:35
One day, his father's friend brought a pear. Zheng asked his father to pick his own from the youngest seven younger brothers. The younger brother went first and picked the largest one.
Zheng picked up the smallest pear and said, "when I was young, I should eat the small pear, and the rest big pear will be given to it." listening to his father's surprise, he asked, "that brother is also younger than you." Rong said: "since I am my brother My brother is younger than me, so I should let him ".
When Valentine's day comes, couples like to share their sweet moments and post photos online. Young couples will do a variety of romantic things to surprise each other, and the relationship of the older generation has left a deep impression on me. The romantic film "New York, I love you" is made by a few short stories about an old couple who walk to the beach.
On the road, women complain about men on many small issues, but the men end up with little quarrel. When they arrive at their destination, they suddenly enjoy the sunset hand in hand. What a lovely story it is that it is so close to real life, Just like the final outcome of each couple, most young people are chasing romantic moments, which makes them very excited.
But the essence of life is composed of some small problems. When two people understand each other and find a way to deal with conflicts, their marriage can last for a long time. Surprise is the flavor of daily life, and when it happens on a special day, there are some Meaningful.
Dear Susan, we are holding a surprise party for Xiaoming's birthday. We would like to invite you to the party we want to give him. So please keep quiet.
We will meet in the student club this Friday afternoon. After the evening class, we will prepare a small gift for him. When he comes, we will prepare a small gift for him Candle, sing happy birthday together, then the cake will be cut, sing and play s.
I'm glad to see how excited he is. I'm sure you'll have a good time at the party. I wish you, Li Hua http://gaokokoolearncom/.
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