日期:2022-10-07 19:33:20人气:36
* Fixed a bug where the VR Smooth Camera would move outside the map when you died.
* Fixed a bug where some evidence such as Ouija Boards wasn't working for the photos.
* Potential fix for crashes when loading back to the main menu.
* Potential fix for save files getting corrupted when you crash or quit.
* Potential fix for Glowsticks sometimes not giving any light.
* Fixed a bug where some players were not able to connect to the server since the Halloween update.
* Removed the delay between each equipment spawning.
* Changed the way the server gets recreated when loading back into the main menu.
This should fix a lot of bugs and disconnects.
The host will now also remain the same.
* Fixed a bug where VR players wouldn't get teleported back from the dead room.
* Fixed a bug where the ghost could see you through the Ridgeview door.
* Removed the voice sensitivity setting as it was breaking non push to talk.
* Added a connecting to server loading screen.
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