日期:2022-10-06 09:07:43人气:12
1、了解应急联系方式。不管旅游目的地在哪里,都可以登录中国领事服务网查询当地中国领事馆的联系方式以及相关安全信息。Understand the emergency contact information. No matter where the tourist destination is, you can log in to the Chinese consulate service network to inquire about the contact information and relevant security information of the local Chinese consulate.
2、护照有效期及签证办理。护照的有效期限一般要大于12个月,否则影响申请部分国家的签证。而签证的办理要确认签证种类和出国的目的一致,并且签证的有效期与停留期也一致。Passport validity and visa processing. The valid period of passport is generally more than 12 months, otherwise it will affect the visa application of some countries. The visa processing shall confirm that the type of visa is consistent with the purpose of going abroad, and the validity period of the visa is consistent with the stay period.
3、境外游保险。出国游玩充满了不确定性,所以一定要提前买好境外保险。并且国外的医疗费用一般都比较贵,所以购买医疗方面的保险非常有必要。Overseas travel insurance. Overseas travel is full of uncertainty, so you must buy overseas insurance in advance. And the medical expenses abroad are generally more expensive, so it is very necessary to buy medical insurance.
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