日期:2022-10-06 08:44:10人气:7
大家好,小帝来为大家解答以上问题。变形金刚英文版电影,变形金刚 英文这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、(the Transformers) is from the United States since 1984 Hasbro (Hasbro) company with Japan TAKARA (Centerカラ) company to develop a series of toys and launched a series of animation / film collectively. But because of the animation of adults do not know much about the misunderstanding, to some extent, be extended to a broad range of (to deformation) robot toys and cartoons. [Edit this paragraph] list】 【animation works Note: There are number of words as a result of term limits would like to know specific information on each work, you can click on the relevant terms (terms of whom would be bold display) separate inspection. As follows, divided into the U.S. version and the Japanese version. Attached to a set number, the Japanese version comes with broadcast date. First of all, sweet version of things lined up in sequence. The first line is the original English text of the second line is to Chinese. TRANSFORMERS (SEASON 1) 01-16 Transformers (first quarter) TRANSFORMERS (SEASON 2) 17-65 Transformers (second quarter) TRANSFORMERS THE MOVIE Transformers movie TRANSFORMERS (SEASON 3) 66-95 Transformers (third quarter) TRANSFORMERS (SEASON 4) 96-98 Transformers (fourth quarter) [Note: that is, REBIRTH / rebirth] THE TRANSFORMERS GENERATION 2 Transformers the second generation [Note: that is, G2 of several unknown] TRANSFORMERS BEAST WARS (FIRST SEASON) 01-26 Transformers Beast War (first quarter) Super Warrior TRANSFORMERS BEAST WARS (SECOND SEASON) 27-39 Transformers Beast War (second quarter) Super Warrior TRANSFORMERS BEAST WARS (THIRD SEASON) 40-52 Transformers Beast War (third quarter) Super Warrior TRANSFORMERS BEAST MACHINES (SEASON 1) 01-13 Transformers Beast Machine (first quarter) Xia beast 1TRANSFORMERS BEAST MACHINES (SEASON 2) 14-26 Transformers Beast Machine (second quarter) Xia beast 1TRANSFORMERS ROBOTS IN DISGUISE 01-39 Transformers robot camouflage Transformers Autobots War [Note: that is, the corresponding day RID version CAR ROBOT] 1TRANSFORMERS ARMADA 01-52 Transformers fleet of Thunder [Note: Japanese version of the corresponding MICRON legend] 1TRANSFORMERS ENERGON 01-51 Transformers energy body Transformers energy battle [Note: Japanese version of the corresponding SUPER LINK] 1TRANSFORMERS CYBERTRON ROBOTS IN DISGUISE 01-51 Transformers robot cyber camouflage Tromsø Transformers Legends of塞博特恩[Note: Japanese version counterpart GALAXY FORCE] 1TRANSFORMERS Animated (Being broadcast in)。
以上就是【变形金刚英文版电影,变形金刚 英文】相关内容。
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