日期:2022-10-05 18:51:31人气:7
大家好,小帝来为大家解答以上问题。orangestar什么意思,orange star这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、Orange Star
2、Driving the car it’s my favorite job today,
3、Driving so fast that’s why I always won’t be late.
4、Oh, king & queen never say goodbye,
5、however drunk drunk all the time.
6、U & me should say goodbye we need making noise(noise)
7、It’s no matter longway (longway)
8、shining orange star that’s enough.
9、destroy all my dreams in the shaking world
10、I do want be somebody,body else.
11、Driving the car it’s my favorite job today,
12、Driving so fast that’s why I always won’t be late.
13、Oh, king & queen never say goodbye,
14、however drunk drunk all the time.
15、U & me never say goodbye
16、however sick sick all my mind.
17、First date, just throw it away, We need make all the pain to stop,
18、Birthday cake, just throw it away, we need making noise(noise)
19、It’s no matter longway (longway)
20、shining orange star that’s enough.
21、destroy all my dreams in the shaking world
22、I do want be somebody ,body.
23、It’s longway (longway)
24、shining orange star
25、destroy the shaking world
26、be somebody else.
以上就是【orangestar什么意思,orange star】相关内容。
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