日期:2022-10-04 08:02:33人气:10
1、威尼斯商人-(中英对照) 文章节选bsp;The states of Syracuse and Ephesus being at variance,therewas a cruel law made at Ephesus, ordaining thatif any merehant ofSyracuse was seen in the city of Ephesus he was to be put to death。
2、unless he could pay a fhousand marksforthe ransom of his life. Aegeon,all old merehant of Syracuse,was discovered in thestreets ofEphesus。
3、and broughtbefbre the duke,eitherto pay thisheavy fine or receive sentence of death. Aegeon had no money to pay the hne,and the duke。
4、befbre hepronounced the sentence of death upon him,desired him to relatethe histoIy of his life,and to teU fbr what cause he had ventured tocome to the city of Ephesus。
5、which it was death fbr any Syracusanmerehant to enter. Aegeon said that he did not fear to die,for sorrow had made him Wedry of his lifc,but that a heavier task SOUld not have beenimposed upon him than to relate the events of his unfortunate life.He theH began his own history。
6、in thefollowing Words: “1 was bora at Syrmeuse,aHd bronght up to the profession of a merehant.I married a lady,with whom I lived very happily。
7、but,being 0bliged t0 go t0 Epidnahum, 1 was detained there by my business six months。
8、and thca,hnding I should be obliged to stay some time longer,I sent for my wife。
9、who,as soon as she arrived,was bYOUght to bed of two sons。
10、and what was very strange,they。
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