日期:2022-09-28 16:21:46人气:36
1,一到十二月英文缩写及汉语发音一月份=JAN. Jan.=January (詹牛额瑞)二月份=FEB. Feb.=February (这个 只能看音标了,打不出来)三月份=MAR. Mar.=March (骂曲)四月份=APR. Apr.=April (A普柔)五月份=MAY May=May (妹)六月份=JUN. Jun.=June (朱恩)七月份=JUL. Jul.=July (朱来)八月份=AUG. Aug.=August (奥格斯特)九月份=SEP. Sept.=September (色泼滩伯儿)一到十二月英文缩写怎么写(图片来源:摄图网)十月份=OCT. Oct.=October (奥克投伯儿)十一月份=NOV. Nov.=November (no弯伯儿)十二月份=DEC. Dec.=December (滴三伯儿)
2,十二月英文缩写英语的1~12月的缩写是:Jan. January 一月;Feb. February 二月;Mar. March 三月;Apr. April 四月;May无缩写 五月;Jun. June 六月;Jul. July 七月;Aug. August 八月;Sep. September九月;Oct. October 十月;1Nov. November 十一月;1Dec. December 十二月。单词用法January 一月英 ['dʒænjuəri] ;美 ['dʒænjueri] 例:It's quite warm for January.就一月份来说,天气相当暖和了。February二月英 ['februəri] ;美 ['februeri] 例:The second month of the year is February.一年的第二个月是二月。March 三月英 [mɑːtʃ] ; 美 [mɑːrtʃ] n. 行军;行进;游行示威;稳步前进;进行曲v. 行进;前进;进发;使同行;游行示威例:This term will begin on March 1st.这个学期三月一日开始。一月英文缩写:Jan.二月英文缩写:Feb.三月英文缩写:Mar.四月英文缩写:Apr.五月英文缩写:May.六月英文缩写:Jun.七月英文缩写:Jul.八月英文缩写:Aug.九月英文缩写:Sept.十月英文缩写:Oct.十一月英文缩写:Nov. 十二月英文缩写:Dec.
3,十二月英文缩写一 月:January 简写:Jan.二 月:February 简写:Feb.三 月:March 简写:Mar.四 月:April 简写:Apr.五 月:May 简写:May.六 月:June 简写:Jun.七 月:July 简写:Jul.八 月:August 简写:Aug.九 月:September 简写:Sep.十 月:October 简写:Oct.十一月:November 简写:Nov.十二月:December 简写:Dec.拓展内容:1. 四季的表达用法Flowers blossom when spring is coming。 春天来了 花儿就开了。Days in summer are so hot that people would rather stay at home.夏天太热 人们宁愿呆在家。American people use the word fall to mean autumn。美国人用fall这个单词来表示秋天。We have passed the last few winters in the south。最近几年冬天我们都是在南方度过的。1. 十二个月份造句January is the start of a year.There is Chinese poem saying that wind in February just blows like scissors.Fake goods are afaid of March 15th.The Foolish enjoy 1st. April.May Day is a famous pop band in Taiwan Province of China.June brings warm sunlight to us.July always cries with rains.August is always enjoyed by students.Wake me up when September ends.The start of October will be promotion days for merchants.November comes with cold weather.December lies the Christmas.
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