日期:2022-09-28 16:21:44人气:25
1,每逢毕业季就会有不少的像我这样的留学生愁于Dissertation Proposal怎么写,这是写的好不好关系着我们的毕业论文是否能够顺利的写下去,如果Proposal没得到教授的肯定会比较的麻烦,我之前就是找的经验丰富的51due帮忙辅导的,我分享给你看看吧。1.Title部分写作指导Dissertation Proposal就是让你写出自己明确的研究一个方向,并不是要你必须包括所有开题报告中提到的要点。如果你的Dissertation Proposal题目有点模棱两可或者实际撰写的内容与开题报告题目相比有点偏题,只要论文研究方向明确,题目偏颇问题不大。2.Introduction and Background引言和背景部分写作指导你需要告知为何选择这个研究方向,以及你的研究工作的意义。如果你是本科生或者是硕士研究生,一般不会要求你的研究会有巨大突破或者完全是创新的。而是,你可能需要用稍微不同方式去解释现有的数据(包括添加额外的原始数据),或者回顾一些与你所选择主题相关的一些特别问题和研究文献这部分150字就已经足够。然后,你要用大概150字去说明下你要采取研究方式。作为对proposal的介绍,你需要在这个部分提及是否有新的原始数据,是否文章对现有的文献进行评述和分析,是否问卷调查和采访将被运用等等。引言和背景部分相应包括选择题目的说明和采集研究方法总述。3.Literature Review部分写作指导文献综述部分主要阐述现有与研究主题相关的研究文献和研究内容如何与之相关联。该部分撰写过程中有两点非常重要:一是你的研究对现有研究是一种补充和推进;你的研究结论在现有研究成果中也能找到依据。这部分内容撰写字数在300-500,具体依赖于你所在专业。按照引用要求,这部分内容必须做好引用标注,具体标准格式需要参考不同参考文献格式说明。
2,proposal怎么写一.Proposal是什么?Proposal是对你所提出的研究的简明而连贯的总结。它列出了你想要解决的中心问题。它概述了你研究的一般研究领域,涉及到当前的知识水平和任何最近关于该主题的辩论。这也证明了你提出的研究的原创性。研究计划是你在申请过程中提交的最重要的文件。它给你一个机会来证明你有研究生水平的研究能力,例如,证明你有能力清晰、简洁和批判性地表达复杂的想法。二.Proposal该怎么写?知道了Proposal的结构,下笔就更容易啦。Proposal所要求的内容和结构因研究领域的不同而不同。因此,你应该与你的导师密切协商,以便了解你所学领域的任何特殊要求。不过,一般而言,一项研究计划包括以下部分:标题(Title)摘要(Abstract)主题背景,意义和研究问题(Background to the topic, significance and research problem)研究目的和研究问题(Research aims and questions)文献综述(Review of literature)研究/项目设计(Study/project design)时间轴(Timeline)预期成果/影响(Expected outcomes/impact)参考文献(References)
3,proposal怎么写ProcedureThe procedure or the methodology is the heart of the proposal because it must tell the reader how you propose to carry out your project. It must convince your advisor (or in industry your manager or potential client) that you clearly understand your task, have a logical time plan for solving your problems, and have identified all the resources you need.If your proposal is for an IQP, you must take special care to explain HOW you plan to relate some aspect of science or technology to society. Note that technology need not be defined narrowly here: technology can mean the techniques used to manage or evaluate any resource efficiently, not just nuts and bolts hardware. But you must explain clearly how your procedure insures that the WPI IQP degree requirement will be satisfied by completing a project which defines, investigates, and reports on a topic relating science or technology to a social need or issue. In short, why is your topic an IQP?Some of the other questions the reader will expect you to answer in this section are:1. What are the tasks and sub-tasks identified to achieve your objectives? 2. What materials will you need to carry out your project: equipment? computer support? typing? graphics? others? 3. What data are needed for the project and how will they be collected? If the project requires a survey or interviews, the design of this instrument (especially the selection of participants) must be explained and justified. 4. What method or process will be used to analyze this data and where else (if anywhere) has this method or process been used? 5. What time frame do you think you will need to accomplish identified tasks or subtasks? Should schedules be presented in standard forms like PERT or Task Charts? (see Figures 1 and 2.) 6。 If you are working on a team, which teammates will accomplish which sections? 7. What costs do you anticipate the project will incur -- in other words, your budget? (A Budget Summary Request Form must be submitted to the Interdisciplinary Studies Division Office as shown in Appendix 1 for IQP Proposals. A Budget summary for an MQP Proposal should be submitted to the individual department.)
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