日期:2022-10-06 08:43:58人气:10
1、这是引用金山典霸上面的解释,希望是你想要的! worm 蠕虫(病毒),防复制程序 (1) In software protection, a program written by a software publisher that will invoke a penalty if unauthorized use of a program is detected. At best the worm will half the protected program, at worst it will cause a small amount of corruption each time it is run, eventually leading to a disk crash. Worms are dangerous because they can be activated accidentally and, not surprisingly. 在软件保护中,由软件发行者编写的、一旦发现非法使用即进行惩罚的程序。
2、最轻微的情况,它停止运行 受保护程序;最严重时,每次运行它都进行小量的破坏,直至磁盘报废。
3、蠕虫这种计算机病 毒程序因其发作是偶然的和不明显的,因而具有危险性。
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