日期:2022-10-06 08:43:47人气:5
1、They are studying laughter seriously and finding it is really good for us.他们着力研究笑声,并且发现笑声对我们有益无害。
2、Every minute we laugh is the same as forty-five minutes of relaxation.笑1分钟等于休息45分钟。
3、We may change the way we laugh in different situations.我们可能会根据不同的场合来变换微笑的方式。
4、They try ways of giving blood to people who need it.他们尝试各种方式给有需要的人输血。
5、Later,doctors find that we do not all have the same kind of blood.后来,医生发现我们每一个人并不是都同属于一种血型。
6、They also find that they can give any kind o blood to peopl of group AB.他们也发现O型血的人可以输血给任何AB型的血人。
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