日期:2022-10-04 08:01:52人气:19
大家好,小帝来为大家解答以上问题。wwe送葬者折断日本国旗,wwe 送葬者这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、选手名:The Undertaker 送葬者
2、真实姓名:Mark William Calaway
5、婚姻状况:曾与Sara结婚(06年离异),有两个女儿,现与Michelle McCool交好中
8、教练:Don Jardine
10、曾用角色名:Texas Red,The Commando,The Punisher,"Punisher" Dice Morgan,Master of Pain,"Mean" Mark Callous,Kane the Undertaker ,The American Badass,The Phenom
11、终结技:The Heartpunch (WCW),Iron Claw (pre-1995),Tombstone Piledriver,Chokeslam from Hell,Last Ride Power Bomb,Triangle Choke Hold
12、常用招式:Heatseeking Missile (WCW),Takin Care of Business (Dragon Sleeper),Oldschool (Walking the ropes axe handle),Inverted Russian Leg Sweep ,Leg Drop Across Ring Apron,Leaping Somersault Lariat ,The Flying Lariat,Running Corner Lariat,Balistic Punches,Fujiwara Armbar,The Big Boot,Running DDT,The Clothesline,The Sideslam,Suicide Dive
14、WWE Championship(WWE冠军头衔):
15、 战胜Hulk Hogan获得,11-27-91
16、 战胜Sid获得 ,03-23-97
17、 战胜Stone Cold获得,05-23-99
18、 战胜Hulk Hogan获得,05-19-02
19、World HeavyWeight Championship(世界重量级冠军):
20、 战胜Batista获得,04-01-07(Wrestle Mania 23)
21、 战胜Edge获得,03-30-08(Wrestle Mania 24)
22、World Tag Team Championship(世界双打冠军):
23、 Stone Cold & Undertaker战胜Kane & Mankind获得,07-26-98
24、 Undertaker & Big Show战胜Kane & X-Pac获得,08-22-99
25、 Undertaker & Big Show战胜Mankind & The Rock获得,09-09-99
26、 The Rock & Undertaker战胜Edge & Christian获得,12-18-00
27、 Kane & Undertaker战胜Edge & Christian获得,04-19-01
28、 Kane & Undertaker战胜Kanyon & Diamond Dallas Page获得,08-19-01
29、我真的很喜欢他 , 他是WWE最棒的!
以上就是【wwe送葬者折断日本国旗,wwe 送葬者】相关内容。
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